Your Day Old Produce Implores You; Use Our Yummy Leftovers!

I Implore you! Use the leftovers! Creative ways to utilize leftovers in a delicious and healthy way.

The Leftovers!

Once upon a time, in a kitchen near you, there was a group of leftover fruits and vegetables who were feeling sad and unwanted. They had been left on plates, forgotten and ignored, and now sat together in a bowl waiting for their fate.

The leftovers felt like they were not good enough to be eaten, like there was something wrong with them. They feared that they would be thrown away and end up in the compost bin, never to be enjoyed again.

But then, a kind-hearted cook came along and collected them from the plate. The leftovers were afraid, but they were tossed into a blender with some other ingredients. They were blended together and turned into a delicious smoothie.

The leftovers were overjoyed, they were good enough! They had been given a new purpose and a new chance to be enjoyed. They were no longer lonely leftovers, but a vital part of a tasty and healthy drink.

From then on, the leftovers were no longer sad and unwanted. They were appreciated and valued, they were part of something delicious and nutritious. They learned that they were not defined by their past, but by the possibilities of their future.

Leftover Produce Smoothie Recipe


  • 1 cup of leftover fruits and vegetables (such as berries, banana, apple, spinach, kale, lettuce, etc.)
  • 1 cup of liquid (such as water, almond milk, coconut milk, or orange juice)
  • 1/2 cup of yogurt or kefir (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey, agave nectar, or maple syrup (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract (optional)
  • A handful of ice cubes (optional)


  1. Rinse and chop the leftover fruits and vegetables.
  2. Place the fruits and vegetables in a blender.
  3. Add the liquid, yogurt or kefir, sweetener of your choice, and vanilla extract (if using)
  4. Add a handful of ice cubes (if desired)
  5. Blend the ingredients together until smooth.
  6. Taste the smoothie and add more sweetener or liquid as needed.
  7. Serve the smoothie immediately and enjoy!

Note: Change the ingredients according to your taste or availability, you can even add some leftover grains, nuts or seeds.

This recipe allows you to use up any leftover fruits and vegetables that you have on hand, it is a great way to reduce food waste and to enjoy a delicious and healthy drink. You can customize it to your liking, so don’t be afraid to try different combinations of fruits, vegetables and liquids.

Leftover Vegetable Soup Recipe


  • 1 cup of leftover vegetables (such as carrots, onions, celery, potatoes, zucchini, bell peppers, etc.)
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil
  • 2 cups of chicken or vegetable broth
  • 1 cup of water
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Fresh herbs, such as thyme, rosemary, or parsley (optional)
  • 1 can of diced tomatoes (optional)


  1. Heat a large pot over medium heat and add the olive oil.
  2. Add the minced garlic and sauté for a minute until fragrant.
  3. Add the leftover vegetables and stir to coat with the oil.
  4. Add the chicken or vegetable broth, water, salt, pepper, and herbs (if using)
  5. If you like, you can add a can of diced tomatoes to the pot
  6. Bring the soup to a simmer and cover.
  7. Cook the soup for 15-20 minutes or until the vegetables are tender.
  8. Taste the soup and adjust the seasoning as needed.
  9. Serve the soup hot and garnish with fresh herbs or grated cheese if desired.

This recipe allows you to use up any leftover vegetables that you have on hand, it is a great way to reduce food waste and to enjoy a delicious and healthy soup. You can customize it to your liking, so don’t be afraid to try different combinations of vegetables and broths. You can also add some leftover grains like quinoa, rice, or barley to make it more substantial.

Ways to Create Delicious Meals with Leftover Produce and Reduce Food Waste.

There are many ways to use leftover produce to reduce food waste and create delicious meals. Some of the best ways to use leftover produce include:

  1. Smoothies: Fruits and vegetables can be blended together with yogurt, milk, or juice to create a delicious and healthy smoothie.
  2. Soups: Vegetables can be chopped and simmered in broth to create a flavorful and nourishing soup.
  3. StirFries: Vegetables can be sliced and sautéed with meats, tofu, or tempeh to create a delicious and easy stir-fry.
  4. Salads: Vegetables can be chopped and mixed with a variety of other ingredients to create a delicious and healthy salad.
  5. Omelets: Vegetables can be diced and added to eggs to make a delicious and nutritious omelet.
  6. Fried Rice: Leftover vegetables can be diced and added to cooked rice to make a delicious and easy fried rice dish.
  7. Casseroles: Vegetables can be mixed with other ingredients, such as cheese, pasta, or rice, to create a comforting and delicious casserole.
  8. Pesto: Herbs and leafy greens can be blended with nuts and cheese to make a flavorful pesto sauce that can be used as a topping for pasta, vegetables, or meats.
  9. Dehydration: Fruits can be dehydrated and turned into healthy snacks, dried fruits can be stored and used in baking, trail mix, or eaten as they are.
  10. Compote: Overripe fruits can be cooked in a sweet syrup to make a delicious compote that can be served over yogurt, ice cream, or pancakes.
  11. Freezing: Vegetables and fruits can be chopped and frozen for later use in soups, stews, casseroles, and smoothies.
  12. Pickling: Vegetables can be pickled and stored in jars for a delicious and healthy snack or addition to sandwiches and salads.
  13. Juice: Fruits and vegetables can be juiced and the juice can be frozen or canned for later use.
  14. Baking: Overripe fruits can be used in baking, such as in muffins, pies, and cobblers.
  15. Jams and Jellies: Overripe fruits can be made into jams and jellies, a perfect addition to toast or pancakes.
  16. Fermentation: Vegetables can be fermented to make pickles, sauerkraut, kimchi, and other fermented foods.
  17. Drying: Herbs can be dried and stored for later use in cooking, also fruits like apricots, plums, and apples can be dried and eaten as snacks or used in baking.
  18. Canning: Fruits and vegetables can be canned for long-term storage, this is a great way to preserve produce for use during the off-season.

These are just a few ways to use leftover produce. By being creative and resourceful, you can use leftovers in a variety of ways, to prevent food waste and to enjoy delicious meals.