

A Flower Does Not Remain A Seed!

Walking On Water
Despite facing numerous challenges, Lily remained focused on her vision. She had a deep desire to help others and make a positive impact in the world. With limited resources, she had to be resourceful and creative, relying on volunteers and partners, and using free tools and resources whenever possible. One of her first goals was to develop a prototype of her product, which she achieved through tireless design and development work. She also worked hard to build a team, networking extensively and hiring team members who shared her passion and had the necessary skills and expertise. Despite facing doubts and negativity from some, Lily remained positive and drew strength from within. Through her hermit season of learning and application, she emerged more confident and determined than ever to see her vision become a reality. And in the end, she discovered a talent for helping others and brought beauty and hope to a world that sometimes felt bleak and hopeless

“No Day But Today: The Power of Living in the Present and Embracing Growth”

Honoring Your Future Self / Honoring My Future Self One way to honor your future self is by setting and working towards long-term goals. This can include things like saving for retirement, paying off debt, or working towards a specific career or educational goal.  Another way to honor your future self is by taking care of your spiritual, physical, and mental health, such as exercising regularly, eating well, and practicing self-care activities including reading and exercising.  Additionally, practicing good financial habits, such as budgeting and saving money, can also help to honor your future self. It's also important to build positive relationships and surround yourself with supportive people, as well as continuing to learn and grow as a person. Making time for activities and hobbies that bring you joy and fulfillment can also be a way to honor your future self.